26 Oktober 2023

"Hey Michiel, how do you at Convention Bureau Event Park Amsterdam actually distribute the requests (RFPs) among your 37 partners?"

I got it right in front of my face the other day, this question. And what a great one it is! Because one of the things behind it is the curiosity for transparency and the eagerness to work. And I too am happy to contribute to that.

First of all, it is good to realise that our basic focus is on recruiting and facilitating international (business) conferences and events within the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer. We advise and assist (inter)national meeting planners in their search for one or more suitable partner hotels or venues and/or suppliers and, if desired, support them in the first phase of planning and organisation. 

Anyway. As soon as we receive a concrete request, the processing proceeds briefly as follows:

We assess the request and in most cases get in touch with the planner directly. In half a minute, we then try to scan and arouse some interest and get the best possible feeling for both the applicant, his or her organisation (or that of the client) and the application itself. Where necessary, we try to get outstanding questions answered. 

We then 'qualify' the request; based on the specific meeting wishes and/or requirements, we independently determine which of our partner hotels, locations and/or suppliers (best) match the request. At this stage
the type of target group, programme, capacity, location and accessibility often play an important initial role. In principle, applications are forwarded 1-to-1 to all these (or the best qualified) partners. In this, we adopt a professional, honest and sincere attitude towards both the planner and the partner. Nobody benefits from poor or half-baked advice. Where possible, we naturally try to offer equal opportunities to all our partners. 

Once mutual interest has been aroused, connections have been made and the first proposals have been sent out, in many cases our work is done. The actual negotiation and sale lies with our partners themselves. Where we can add value and/or provide additional support, they certainly know where to find us. 

We value transparency, good agreements and clear communication. This is how we build a strong, positive and professional network. With trust in each other and the power of mutual cooperation. 
Would you like to know more about our working methods or can we do something for you in another way? Then send a message to michiel@eventparkamsterdam.com or call +31 6 243 488 50.

Michiel Smilde, Destination manager